August BTS bangers from our Bar & FOH teams.
Photography: Ollie Plumb / Words: Lau Christou
This week we were let loose and the entire team went on a wet-n-wild school trip, for the Mission Mars Summer BBQ!
Every year, every venue gets an early dart and heads to Didsbury Sports Ground for an afternoon of free food, booze, belly laughs and questionable behaviour. Despite the torrential rain all afternoon, spirits were high and over generously poured.
Our Irish dreamboat, Head Chef Gary, threw together his legendary vegan curry and our Exec Food team dished up the finery for us, our friends and family. Our good pals from YES, Milk Maids, Beefeater Gin and Camden Town Brewery kept us fed and watered throughout the day and various colleagues mounted the buckeroo bull for the surrounding onlookers.
Post-watershed, us Gorilla lot trawled from Didsbury to Schloss, Schloss to YES and finally onto our good (and very forgiving) pals at Bunny Jacksons. If you don’t know the place, where have you been hiding all your life? Not only do they sell 10p chicken wings daily, but they also boast BANDEOKE (yes, it’s a thing) AAAAAND tolerate hospitality late-comers into the early hours of the next day. What’s not to love? So that’s where we ended up.
Many interesting dance moves, shots and belting ballads later and we’re all still feeling particularly fragile. The 5-day hangover is real.
If you do pop in to see us over the next week; please be kind.